About Us

Best Chiropractic Clinic in Boise

Rae Chiropractic Center is a family-owned and operated chiropractic and wellness center based in Boise, Idaho. For the past 45 years, we have been serving our local community and creating a legacy of health and wellness that has grown from generation to generation. We began as the Rae Chiropractic Center with Dr. Don Rae at the helm and now proudly offer more doctors and services; functional medicine, chiropractic, nutrition services, and massage.

Our principle is that you are like family to us. We don't rush you through our services or try to set you up on expensive care plans. We treat every patient as an individual. So we provide exams, x-rays if necessary, and chiropractic adjustments based on your own body's needs. We make sure that you leave understanding exactly how your body works and how to maintain its best health.

As part of our long heritage, Dr. Don Rae and his wife, Margie, have been with us every step of the way. With Dr. Don Rae's 45+ years of experience, we have seen a lot, and always striving to perfect the chiropractic adjustment. We have seen and been blessed to have generations of families come through our office. But more than that, they understand the importance of proper nerve flow and great nutrients to maintain a vibrant, healthy life. It's this knowledge that has shaped our beliefs as we transition from Rae Chiropractic Center to Legacy Chiropractic & Wellness and is at the heart of our core values. 

We believe that health and wellness are the building blocks of life. We strive to stay current on the latest advancements in health care, but we also understand that the human body is a perfect example of design. That's why we emphasize open nerve flow, the power of chiropractic adjustments and great nutrition. 

Legacy Chiropractic & Wellness welcomes you to join our family. We would love to have you come to meet us, hear your story, and develop a treatment plan that works for you. Contact us any time at (208) 345-3630 or use the contact form on our website to get your health and wellness journey started.

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A member of our dedicated team at Legacy Chiropractic & Wellness and Rae Chiropractic Center will get back to you as soon as possible. Let's take the first step toward your health and wellness together!